Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Life as a meerkat

Meerkats are little rodents that live in the Kalahari Desert in Africa. Related to the mongoose these little creatures standing only a foot tall will put up a mean fight against any enemies. Living in packs and spending most of their time foraging and grooming they always have time for pups. Meerkats enemies are the cape cobra, hawks, Owls, puff adders, and rival gangs. Surviving harsh conditions like winter where food is scarce, and when a member is killed in battle, or a serious predator that is a threat to all of them. Over all these foragers have a good time. Playing with each other, and rough housing, and just chilling out. Meerkats are one of the fiercest rodents in Africa. Having battles with other gangs can have its devastating affects but it can have its rewards to. A victory is something to celebrate by wrestling and grooming. Eating millipedes, scorpions, lizards and sometimes ants. When winter comes food is something to kill for because its survival of the fittest around these parts. Meerkats have dark circles around their eyes, the reason for this is that it keeps the Kalahari’s sun light from beating on their eyes. When a meerkat gets lost from the group, it could have dramatic affects. If a predator comes and takes a pup, the bird will have a full stomach, but the family will have a lost member. Only the dominant female of a group has mating rights. If the daughters have pups the pups could get killed, or the mother will get kicked out of the group. Meerkats can look cute and cuddly, but looks are deceiving.

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